Step by Step Curtains Measuring Guide | Follow Our Beautifully Detailed Guide to Measure for Your Curtains Perfectly

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How to Measure for Your Curtains

Measuring for your curtains is a piece of cake! No deductions, no calculations we'll do all of that for you to make sure everything hangs perfectly. Follow our simple (and we mean simple) guide below for your type of track or pole and let us do the rest.

Eyelet, Pencil Pleat & Pinch Pleat Curtains

Measuring the correct curtain width

Measure the curtain track or pole width, not the window width. It's important that this is the measurement provided, as we'll use your track or pole width to calculate the required amount of fabric for your curtains. For the most part, you will be unable to adjust the width of the curtains once they are made, so it's important that the width measurement is as accurate as possible. If fitting a new track or pole, this should extend 15cm to 20cm either side of the window and at least 15cm above.

Curtain poles

For a curtain pole simply measure the width of the pole between any finials or end caps, that is the width you should enter.

measure for curtain poles

Curtain tracks

For a standard curtain track simply measure the full width of the track, that is the width you should enter.

measure for curtain tracks


If you'd like to order a single curtain, follow exactly the same process, then give our friendly sales team a call to place the order.

Curtain tracks with overlap

If your track has an overlap in the centre, measure the full width of the track (a) and the width of the overlap (b). Add the two together and that is the width you should enter.

measure for tracks with overlaps

Measuring the correct curtain drop

Curtains can be hung either to the floor, to the sill or to below the sill. We suggest that curtains finish either;


It's important to allow a small amount of space at the bottom of the curtains; If they drag at the bottom then they could mark or fray.

Pencil & Pinch pleat pole heading

When using a curtain pole, measure from the underside of the decorative ring to where you want the curtain to finish at the bottom.

measuring for curtain drop with finials

Pencil & Pinch pleat track heading

When using a curtain track, measure from the top of the track to where the curtain is to finish at the bottom.

measuring for curtain drop with tracks

Eyelet heading

Our eyelet heading curtains will fit poles up to 30mm in diameter. Simply measure from the top of the pole to where you want the curtain to finish at the bottom. We will make the curtain with 3cm of fabric above the top underside of the eyelet where it sits on the pole. We add this automatically so simply measure from the top of your curtain pole.

measuring for curtain drop with tracks that overlap

Measuring for Wave Curtains

Measuring for your Wave curtains is very much like measuring for a blind, as the track will be included with the curtains. Just follow our simple instructions below to be confident that your new curtains will fit perfectly.

Exact Fitting (Recommended)

This is the measurement you need to take if you want your Wave curtains to fit outside the window recess, overlapping on all sides. Measure the size of the recess, then add a little extra on all sides to ensure adequate coverage.

tick icon Measure the exact size of the area you would like the Wave curtains to overlap. To minimize light leakage we recommend that you overlap the window recess by at least 150mm at the top and 150mm each side.

tick icon The overlap at the bottom is a matter of personal choice but please take into account obstacles such as radiators.

tick icon Use a metal tape measure, cloth ones can stretch and give you inaccurate measurements.

bay window exact fitting area for wave curtains

Bay Windows

Exact fitting is also the fitting method we recommend if you have a bay window. Treat the whole bay as one big window and follow the same process as above.

measuring exact window for wave curtains


If you are replacing existing curtains and you want the same size, simply measure the width of the pole or track, and the drop from the top of the pole or track to the bottom of the curtains, and specify exact fitting, we will make your Wave Fold curtains the same size overall (we will send the track with your Wave Fold curtains, so the track will be included in the size). Please note that the spacing between folds on our Wave Fold curtains is approximately 9cm, so the appearance may vary slightly from your current curtains.

top tip illustration top tip illustration top tip illustration

Recess Fitting

This is the measurement you need to take if you want your Wave curtains to fit inside the window recess. Measure the full width and height of the recess [the size of the hole if you like] and we will make the appropriate deductions to ensure a perfect fit.

tick icon Measure in 3 places for both the width and the drop, use the smallest measurements.

tick icon Don't make any deductions, we will deduct 10mm from the width, and 15mm from the drop, to ensure a perfect fit.

tick icon Use a metal tape measure, cloth ones can stretch and give you inaccurate measurements.

measuring recess window for wave curtains


Check that your recess is deep enough to fit the curtains into, also bearing in mind any obstructions such as handles. The depth of the recess needs to be at least 75mm.

top tip illustration


If you have tiles part-way up the inside of your recess then measure between the tiles for your width. Do the same for picture rails and any similar obstructions inside the recess.

top tip illustration
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